NJCSC - Compensation Compendium
FY 2011
PDF Version
ATTACHMENT B - Special Provisions
ISSUED: March 16, 2011
1. Employee Relations Groups A, C, H, I, 0, P, R, and S

Full time employees who work second (afternoon or evening) or third (night or midnight) shifts shall be eligible for a $0.25 per hour shift differential for those hours during the second or third shift. Permanent part time employees who work at least half-time, five days a week are also eligible for the $0.25 per hour shift differential for all hours on the second or third shift.

2. Employee Relations Groups A, C, F, FA, H, I, J, K, L, 0, P, R, S, V,
W, Y, 1, 2, 4, 4A and 8 10th Step Implementation

Effective June 24, 2006, employees in the above listed employee relations group will have a tenth step added to their salary schedules. The instructions below explain the manner in which this will be implemented.

  1. An employee at the ninth step of the range only becomes eligible for advancement to the tenth step, if warranted, by performance, following completion of 52 pay periods.

  2. A current employee's anniversary date may change as a result of an advancement pay adjustment. See N.J.A.C. 4A:3-4.9. If the anniversary date is advanced based on the date of adjustment, and the employee is at the ninth step, the new anniversary date is the first pay period following the completion of 52 full pay periods after the date of that adjustment.

  3. When an advancement is applied, the anniversary date will be retained if the total salary increase, after workweek adjustment, is less than two increments in the employee's previous range. If the total salary increase after workweek adjustment is two increments or more, or the advancement results in step 10, the anniversary will be determined by the effective date of the action (frozen if step 10).

  4. When a demotion is applied, and the action results in step nine, the employee shall be eligible for advancement to step ten, if warranted by performance, on the pay period that reflects the difference between the time served on the step prior to demotion and 52 pay

3. Employee Relations Group FA

Employees who are appointed to the following titles during the period September 13, 2008 through June 30, 2011, shall be paid an annual salary as shown below:

Campus Police Officer Recruit (55172)


Conservation Officer Recruit (32648)


Police Officer Recruit, Human Services (55171)


State Park Police Officer Trainee (55173)



4. Employee Relations Groups F and L
  1. The stipend for the title Correction Officer Apprentice (32650) shall be as follows:

    Effective April 19, 2010  $34,000.00 per year

  2. Effective July 4, 2009 (pay period 15/2009) through July 2, 2010 (pay period 14/2010), no employee in Employee Relations Groups F and L shall be eligible for any step increments. During the one year term, employees shall not move to the next step in the salary range.
  3. Employees who on July 3, 2009, were on either step 8 or step 9 and who would have qualified for advancement to step 9 or step 10, respectively, during FY2010, shall commence being paid the salary of their new step effective pay period 15/2010.

    However, for these employees, all time served while in the title shall be credited toward advancement to the next step (step 9 or step 10) such that effective pay period 15/2010 their anniversary date shall be set in accordance with this credited time.

    The anniversary date of employees who are on step 1 through step 7 on July 3, 2009 shall be advanced by 26 pay periods, and they shall be advanced to the next step upon reaching the new anniversary date.

    Employees who advance from the title Correction Officer Recruit (32641), Correction Officer Recruit Bilingual In Spanish And English (32641c), or Correction Officer Recruit Juvenile Justice Commission (40804) to the title Senior Correction Officer (32642), Senior Correction Officer Bilingual

    Employees who advance from the title Correction Officer Recruit (32641), Correction Officer Recruit Bilingual In Spanish And English (32641c), or Correction Officer Recruit Juvenile Justice Commission (40804) to the title Senior Correction Officer (32642), Senior Correction Officer Bilingual

    In Spanish And English (32642c), or Senior Correction Officer Juvenile Justice Commission (40808) on or after July 4, 2009 (pay period 15/2009) through July 2, 2010 (pay period 14/2010) shall not receive a step increment between pay period 15/2009 and pay period 14/2010, nor shall they earn credit towards an increment for any time worked during this period.


  1. An employee advances from Correction Officer Recruit to Senior Correction Officer effective pay period 16/2009. Under normal circumstances, this employee's anniversary date would be set 26 pay periods beyond that date, or pay period 16/2010. However, no time worked between pay period 15/2009 and pay period 14/2010 is credited towards the next increment. Thus, this employee will begin gaining credit towards the next increment on pay period 15/2010, resulting in an anniversary date of pay period 15/2011.

  2. The employee in example 1, above, goes on an approved unpaid leave for pay periods 3/2010 and 4/2010, which then results in his/her anniversary date to be advanced to pay period 17/2011.

  3. An employee advances from Correction Officer Recruit to Senior Correction Officer effective pay period 20/2009. Under normal circumstances, this employee's anniversary date would be set 26 pay periods beyond that date, or pay period 20/2010. However, no time worked between pay period 15/2009 and pay period 14/2010 is credited towards the next increment. Thus, this employee will also begin gaining credit towards the next increment on pay period 15/2010, also resulting in an anniversary date of pay period 15/2011.

  4. The employee in example 3, above, goes on an approved unpaid leave for pay periods 1/2010 through 10/2010, which then results in his/her anniversary date to be advanced to pay period 25/2011.

5. Employee Relations Group 8

a) Effective September 26, 2009 (pay period 2112009) through September 24, 2010 (pay period 20/2010), no employee in Employee Relations Group 8 shall be eligible for any step increments. During the 26 pay period term, employees shall not move to the next step in the salary range.

Employees who on September 25, 2009, were on either step 8 or step 9 and who would have qualified for advancement to step 9 or step 10, respectively, during FY2010, shall commence being paid the salary of their new step effective pay period 21/2010.

However, for these employees, all time served while in the title shall be credited toward advancement to the next step (step 9 or step 10) such that effective pay period 21/2010 their anniversary date shall be set in accordance with this credited time.

The anniversary date of employees who are on step 1 through step 7 on September 25, 2009 shall be advanced by 26 pay periods and they shall be advanced to the next step upon reaching the new anniversary date.

b) Effective September 26, 2009 (pay period 21/2009), any employee who is promoted to the title of Investigator Secured Facilities (32647) shall receive a salary increase by receiving the amount necessary to place them on the appropriate salary range (Employee Relations Group 8, Range 20) on the lowest step that provides them with an increase in salary from the salary they were receiving at the time of promotion. Notwithstanding any regulation or authority to the contrary, no employee shall receive any salary greater than the increase provided for above upon promotion to Investigator Secured Facilities

6. Employee Relations Groups K and 2

a) On or after January 30, 2010 (pay period 4/2010) through January 28, 2011 (pay period 3/2011), no employee in Employee Relations Groups K or 2 shall be eligible for any step increments. During the one year term, employees shall not move to the next step in the salary range and the time worked during the one year period shall not count toward time needed for any increment except for the 18 month period between step 9 and step 9 and the 24 month period between step 9 and step 10 for those employees who were at step 8 or step 9 on the first day of the above described 26 pay period term.

Employees who on January 29, 2010, were on either step 8 or step 9 and who would have qualified to receive step 9 or step 10 increments, respectively, on or before January 28, 2011, shall commence being paid the salary of their new step effective pay period 4/2011.

However, for these employees, all time served on step 8 or step 9

shall be credited toward advancement to the next step (step 9 or step 10) such that effective pay period 4/2011 their anniversary date shall be set in accordance with this credited time.The anniversary date of employees who are on step 1 through step 7 on January 30, 2010 shall be advanced by 26 pay periods, and they shall be advanced to the next step upon reaching the new anniversary date.

b) Effective January 30, 2010 (pay period 4/2010), the salary of any employee who is appointed to any title within the "K" or "2" Employee Relations Groups shall receive a salary increase by receiving the amount necessary to place them on the appropriate salary range (Employee Relations Group K or 2) on the lowest step that provides them with an increase in salary from the salary they were receiving at the time of promotion. No employee shall receive any salary increase that is greater than the increase provided for above upon appointment to any title within the "K" or "2" Employee Relations Groups.

7. Employee Relations Groups J, 1, 4, and 4A

Effective July 3, 2010 (pay period 15/2010) through July 1, 2011 (pay period 14/2011), no employee in Employee Relations Groups J, 1, 4, and 4A shall be eligible for any step increments. During the one year term, employees shall not move to the next step in the salary range.

Employees who on July 3, 2010, were on either step 8 or step 9 and who would have qualified for advancement to step 9 or step 10, respectively, during FY2011, shall commence being paid the salary of their new step effective pay period 15/2011.

However, for these employees, all time served while in the title shall be credited toward advancement to the next step (step 9 or step 10) such that effective pay period 15/2011 their anniversary date shall be set in accordance with this credited time.

The anniversary date of employees who are on step 1 through step 7 on July 2, 2010 shall be advanced by 26 pay periods, and they shall be advanced to the next step upon reaching the new anniversary date.

Effective July 3, 2010 (pay period 15/2010), the salary of any employee who is appointed to any title within the "J", "1", "4" or "4A" Employee Relations Groups shall receive a salary increase by receiving the amount necessary to place them on the appropriate salary range (Employee Relations Group J, 1, 4 or 4A) on the lowest step that provides them with an increase in salary from the salary they were receiving at the time of promotion. No employee shall receive any salary increase that is greater than the increase provided for above upon appointment to any title within the "J", 1, 4 or "4A" Employee Relations Groups, except for the title of Director of Custody Operations.

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