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Promotion (08)


A Promotion is defined as moving to a higher title as determined by the increase in experience or education needed to perform the job as outlined in the specification.



From the Menu Bar, select New Transaction.  The Select Transaction screen will display.  From the “Select Transaction” drop-down menu, select 08-Promotion.  A new, blank Employee ID field will display.

Type the employee’s Employee ID number.



If the Employee ID number is not known, click the LOOK UP button.  An EMPLOYEE ID LOOKUP WINDOW will open.

  • To search by Social Security Number, position the cursor on the EMPLOYEE SSN field and type the employee’s SSN.  Dashes and/or spaces are not permitted.


  • To search by Name, position the cursor on the LAST NAME field.  Type all or `part of the employee’s last name.  The employee’s first name may also be entered to narrow the search.

Click the SEARCH button.  One or more employee records will display.  In the SELECT column, click on the box next to the desired employee.  The user will return to the Select Transaction screen, and the Employee ID field will be populated.


The system will default to the current date as the transaction Effective Date.

  • If this date is correct, click SUBMIT.


  • If this date is not correct, open the calendar and select the correct date.  Click SUBMIT.


The Promotion (08) screen will display.




When the screen displays, the fields in the CURRENT section will be populated automatically with the employee’s most recent employment information.  These fields are not keyable.



The following fields on the Promotion (08) screen require input by the user at all times:

* Appointment Type

* Compensation Method

* Title Code


Additional fields may become required based on the Appointment Type selected.


  1. APPOINTMENT TYPE – This field is required for all Promotion transactions.  It reflects the employee’s Appointment Type as a result of the promotion.  Valid selections are:

  2. - PAL

    - RA4

    - RAP

    - PAP

    - RAC


  3. TITLE CODE – This is a required field.  Type the 5- or 6-character title code that corresponds to the title in which the employee will be serving after the promotion, and click VALIDATE.  The code will be validated against the Title Code Table.

  4. The requested title code must correspond to a classified title, and must have greater education and experience requirements than the employee’s current title.

    If the title code is found and active, the system will display the corresponding TITLE NAME and CLASS OF SERVICE.  These two fields are not keyable.

  5. COMPENSATION METHOD – This is a required field.  From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate compensation method.

  6. If Compensation Method “06” (Part-time, Annual Salary) is selected, the Part-time Percentage field will be auto-populated with 50%.  This value may be changed if desired.

  7. BASE SALARY ($) – This is an optional field.  If necessary, indicate the base salary for the employee.  The salary should be entered in numeric format with no comma or dollar sign.

  8. EXTRA SALARY – This field indicates that the employee is to be paid extra money in addition to the amount specified in the BASE SALARY field.  If applicable, enter the amount in numeric format with no comma or dollar sign.

  9. TOTAL SALARY – This field is system-calculated by adding the BASE SALARY and EXTRA SALARY fields.

  10. SALARY RANGE MIN – This field is required for all “PA” Appointment Types.  Type the minimum salary for the title.  The salary must be entered with numbers only; dollar signs and/or commas are not permitted.

  11. NJAC 4A:4-2.7 DATE: - This field is required for Appointment Type RA4 (Regular Appointment under Rule 4A:4-2.7 Promotion).  Enter the effective date of the promotional appointment.

  12. EFFECTIVE DATE – This is a display-only field that indicates the date that the promotion was effective.  This date (as entered on the previous “Select Transaction”screen) cannot be prior to the Hire Date of the employee, unless there are history records on file prior to the employee’s hire date.


    If the Appointment Type is RAQ (Regular Appointment, Qualifying), the transaction Effective Date must equal the entered Qualifying Date.

  14. WORKING TEST START DATE – This field indicates the start of the employee’s working test period.  It is required for the following Appointment Types:


    • RA4 -  Regular Appointment under Rule 4A:4-2.7 Promotion
    • RAC -  Regular Appointment, Conditional – 2.7
    • RAP -  Regular Appointment, Promotion

    The Working Test Start Date must equal the transaction Effective Date.

  16. WORKING TEST END DATE – This field is not keyable.  If a Working Test Start Date is entered, the system will automatically calculate the Working Test End Date (three months or twelve months) based on the Title Code.


  18. PART-TIME PERCENTAGE – If Compensation Method “06” (Part-time, Annual Salary) is selected, this field will be auto-populated with 50%.  This value may be changed if desired.

  19. CERTIFICATION NUMBER – This field is required for the following Appointment Types:


    • PAL -  Provisional Appointment under Rule 4A:4-4.1(b)
    • RAC -  Regular Appointment, Conditional – 2.7
    • RAP -  Regular Appointment, Promotion

    The appropriate certification number will display in this field automatically.  Keep in mind, however, that CAMPS verifies the certification and symbol numbers against an automated certification system (RAPS).  Because of this, the certification must be returned to the Civil Service Commission, and properly disposed of, before the certification number will display on this screen.

    MSB or CONSENT may also be entered in the Certification Number field, when the appointment is the result of a Merit System Board decision or a Consent Decree.  However, these codes can only be entered by staff in the Civil Service Commission.  If either of these codes is used, Comments are required.  Additionally, the EXAM SYMBOL field will automatically display “NONE.”

  21. EXAM SYMBOL – The Exam Symbol is required for the following Appointment Types:

    • PAL -  Provisional Appointment under Rule 4A:4-4.1(b)
    • RAC -  Regular Appointment, Conditional – 2.7
    • RAP -  Regular Appointment, Promotion

    The Exam Symbol field will automatically be populated in conjunction with the Certification Number field.

  22. ESSENTIAL EMPLOYEE – This is an optional field that indicates whether or not the employee is considered essential to the operation of the department.  Valid options are (Y)es or (N)o.

  24. RELATED TITLE – This is a system-generated, display-only field.  If the employee is moving from a non-competitive title to a competitive title, the system will validate this against the Related Title table, and display a Y or N in this field to indicate whether or not the two titles are related.
  25. If the two titles are NOT related, an error message will display.  The user must cancel the Promotional transaction and process the request as an Advancement with a PAOC Appointment Type.

  26. SALARY RANGE MAX – This field is required for all “PA” Appointment Types.  Type the maximum salary for the title.  The salary must be entered with numbers only; dollar signs and/or commas are not permitted.

  27. COMMENTS – This is an optional field.  If necessary, enter any comments that may clarify or support the request.

  28. PRIOR COMMENTS – This is a display-only field.  All text previously entered in the Comments field will be automatically moved to the Prior Comments field after the transaction record is submitted.  The system will capture and display the Logon ID of the user and the date and time that the comment was submitted.


After completing all the necessary fields, select one of the following:

  • SUBMIT will edit the data entered.  The system will perform the necessary edits for the Appointment Type specified.  If any errors exist, the appropriate error message will display at the top of the screen.  The user must correct the identified error(s) and click SUBMIT again.  The transaction will be moved to inventory with a status of “New.”
  • SAVE will not perform any edits on the data entered.  The transaction will be moved to inventory with a status of “Incomplete.”  It may then be accessed from the Inventory and finalized at a later time.
  • DELETE is an appointing authority function that is only available after the record has been submitted and moved to inventory, and prior to review by CSC (i.e. its status must be “Incomplete,” “Pending AA Approval,” “New,” or “Future”).  The appointing authority may access the record from the inventory and delete the entire transaction.
  • CANCEL will cancel the current transaction and return the user to their Home Page.  All information previously entered will be discarded.



The following fields are reserved for Civil Service Commission use only.

  • DOCUMENT RECEIVED (DPF31’s) –This field is only used for disciplinary transactions.  It is not required for promotions.

CERTIFIED SIGNATURE RECEIVED – A check in this field indicates that the Civil Service Commission received the appropriate signed documentation from the appointing authority.

  • CERTIFICATION ISSUED – This field is only applicable when the new Appointment Type is PAP (Provisional Appointment, Promotion).

After submission by the appointing authority, the system will check to see if a certification currently exists.  If it does, an HRM analyst will check this box and the transaction will be rejected.

  • RETURN REASON – This field is only applicable if the Transaction Status is “Under HRM Review” or “Under HRIS Review.”  It is used to return transactions that are incomplete or require additional information.

AUDIT PERFORMED – This field indicates whether or not a classification audit has been conducted on the new title.  Valid entries are (Y)es or (N)o.

  • CLASS REVIEW – This is a (Y)es or (N)o field that indicates whether or not a classification review was performed for the new title.

AUDIT DATE – This field is required if the AUDIT PERFORMED field is set to (Y)es.  From the calendar window, indicate the date of the classification audit.

  • ASSIGNED TO – This field displays the Logon ID of the CSC staff member who is responsible for reviewing and/or approving the transaction.

INLINE TITLE – This is a (Y)es or (N)o field that indicates whether the new title is in line with the old title.