You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under direction, has complete charge of a planning agency and all
 of  its  personnel, and is responsible for organizing, promoting,
 and  administering  a  comprehensive planning  service  including
 preparation and making of surveys; collection and compilation  of
 data;  conduct  of  investigations and  analyses  of  this  data;
 drawing  and drafting of maps and charts; and interpretation  and
 transposition  of statistical data into visual form;  does  other
 related duties as required.

 NOTE: The definition and examples of work for this title are for
 illustrative  purposes only.  A particular  position  using  this
 title   may   not  perform  all  duties  listed   in   this   job
 specification.  Conversely, all duties performed on the  job  may
 not be listed.


 Carries  out  policies of the planning board or  other  authority
 responsible for the planning agency.

 Prepares or supervises the preparation of a master plan.

 Plans, promotes, organizes, and administers a comprehensive long-
 term planning service.

 Establishes  administrative procedures to ensure maximum  service
 provided at a reasonable cost.

 Studies planning needs to develop immediate and long-range  plans
 to meet these needs.

 Interprets  the  planning organization, and  its  philosophy  and

 Establishes  and maintains cooperative relationships  with  other
 agencies and interested individuals.

 Organizes, trains, and supervises subordinates, and provides them
 with  needed  advice  and assistance when difficult  and  unusual
 problems arise.

 Prepares budget estimates and keeps records of expenditures.

 Prepares suitable and comprehensive reports.

 Interprets and stimulates public interest in planning activities.

 Directs the establishment and maintenance of complete records  of
 planning activities, maps, plans, designs, and charts.

 Will  be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information  systems  used  by  the
 agency, office, or related units.



      Six  (6)  years  of  professional experience  in  municipal,
 county,  regional, or state planning, three (3)  years  of  which
 shall have been in a supervisory capacity.

      NOTE: Possession of a Master=s degree in Planning from  an
 accredited college or university may be substituted for  one  (1)
 year of indicated experience.


      Possession  of  a current, valid license as  a  Professional
 Planner  in  New Jersey issued by the State Board of Professional

      Appointees  will  be required to possess a driver=s  license
 valid  in  New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle,  rather
 than  employee mobility, is necessary to perform essential duties
 of the position.


 Knowledge  of   theories,  practices, and  procedures  of  state,
 municipal, and regional planning.

 Knowledge  of and familiarity with varied problems brought  about
 by growth of urban centers, movements of population, and changing
 character of individual urban, suburban, and rural areas.

 Knowledge of  the location, relocation, development, and/or  loss
 of   industrial   opportunities,  traffic   conditions,   housing
 shortages, and other contemporary conditions affecting the social
 and economic status of the state or local government.

 Knowledge  of social, economic, industrial, and other  conditions
 within the state, and of probable economic trends.

 Knowledge of the terrain and varied actual and potential  natural
 and other resources of the state or local government.

 Knowledge  of  facts, values, priorities, research  requirements,
 and  standards  to  be considered, sequence to follow,  judgments
 involved,  and  limitations  to be  considered  in  the  planning

 Knowledge  of  supervisory  principles  and  techniques,  and  of
 management process and organizational structures.

 Knowledge of the use of computers in the planning process.

 Knowledge  of management techniques and principles,  and  of  the
 general management of an organization.

 Knowledge  of  factors that determine the development,  location,
 form, growth, or decline of cities.

 Knowledge of how land use influences community development.

 Knowledge of principles related to the movement of people  within
 and  outside  of urban areas, and transportation as a  factor  in
 community growth and physical structure.

 Knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of alternative uses for

 Knowledge  of  the interrelationship of housing,  utilities,  and
 facilities  for shopping, recreation, education, health,  and  so
 forth, and the implication of construction codes and standards.

 Ability to use analytical methods and tools.

 Ability to analyze planning problems.

 Ability to identify and define planning goals and objectives.

 Ability to evaluate programs and measures used to implement them.

 Ability  to  express ideas orally, in writing,  or  by  means  of
 graphics and sketches.

 Ability to deal tactfully and diplomatically with others.

 Ability  to  function under pressure such as time limitations  or
 intense public interest.

 Ability to organize designated planning projects and studies  and
 to carry these to completion.

 Ability to prepare technically competent, feasible, and realistic
 plans  and  details of plans for the further development  of  the
 economic, recreation, and other resources of the state  or  local

 Ability  to keep current with literature in the field of planning
 and  with  current trends of thought and significant developments
 in present day planning activities.

 Ability  to  comprehend,  analyze, and interpret  basic  law  and

 Ability to assign and instruct technical and other employees, and
 supervise the performance of their work.

 Ability  to  collect, organize, analyze, and interpret  land  use
 information including statistical material.

 Ability to prepare and supervise the preparation of maps, charts,
 graphs, and plans.

 Ability  to  plan,  organize,  and  coordinate  the  work  of  an
 organization in situations where there are numerous  and  diverse

 Ability  to provide professional advice and guidance on  planning

 Ability   to  analyze  organizational  and  administrative   work

 Ability  to  talk with officials and groups and to interpret  the
 meaning of individual planning projects.

 Ability  to  prepare  correspondence in the  course  of  official

 Ability  to  prepare  clear,  technically  sound,  accurate,  and
 informative  planning  reports, studies, and  surveys  containing
 findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

 Ability  to  supervise the maintenance of the essential  records,
 reports, maps, plans, and files.

 Ability  to  learn to utilize various types of electronic  and/or
 manual  recording  and information systems used  by  the  agency,
 office, or  related units.

 Ability  to  read,  write, speak, understand, or  communicate  in
 English  sufficiently  to perform the duties  of  this  position.
 American   Sign  Language or Braille may also  be  considered  as
 acceptable forms of  communication.

 Persons  with  mental or physical disabilities  are  eligible  as
 long as they can perform the essential functions of the job after
 reasonable accommodation is made to their known limitations.   If
 the   accommodation  cannot be made because it  would  cause  the
 employer undue  hardship, such persons may not be eligible.

 This job specification is applicable to the following title code:
Local or
Class of
02686LC N/A33-

This job specification is for local government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
