You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under  direction, performs a variety of responsible and difficult
 clerical  tasks which involve computing, classifying,  verifying,
 and  recording numerical data and the reconciliation of accounts,
 records, and documents to keep sets of financial records complete
 and/or takes the lead over other employees in the maintenance  of
 accounting records; does other related duties as required.

 NOTE: The definition and examples of work for this title are for
 illustrative  purposes only.  A particular  position  using  this
 title   may   not  perform  all  duties  listed   in   this   job
 specification.  Conversely, all duties performed on the  job  may
 not be listed.


 Posts items such as revenue, expense, and cash receipt amounts in
 records/journals  and assigns them as debits or  credits  to  the
 appropriate account.

 Reconciles  accounts of moderate complexity by comparing  account
 balances with related data.

 Reviews  records and source documents to identify the  source  of

 Checks  reports received for duplication, mathematical  accuracy,
 completeness, and compliance with prescribed requirements.

 Verifies   accuracy   of  figures,  calculations,   and   posting
 pertaining  to  transactions as well as computer printouts  which
 are recorded by other workers.

 Prepares   requisitions,  vouchers,  and  may   prepare   balance

 Prepares a listing of charges, payments, and irregular charges or

 Investigates irregular charges, billings, and so forth.

 Performs  arithmetic calculations in the computation of  interest
 charges and refunds.

 Computes  data  according  to formulas  and  may  use  adding  or
 calculating machine to complete computation.

 Prepares required forms to enter data into a computerized  system
 and uses codes to denote the accounts affected by the transaction
 including such items as appropriation, project, and various other
 subdivisions in the account structure.

 Serves  as  lead worker in assigning work, checking computations,
 and training new employees with routine problems.

 Prepares  and  sends out routine letters requesting data  omitted
 from records.

 Prepares routine reports.

 Maintains files of accounting/statistical data and reports.

 Reviews,  checks, and certifies reports, applications, and  other
 documents   for  correctness,  answers  nonroutine  and   routine
 inquiries  of  limited  complexity, and  receives,  reviews,  and
 adjusts complaints.

 May train new clerical employees.

 Gives   assignments,  instructions,  advise,  and   guidance   to

 Composes replies to routine correspondence.

 Occasionally  supervises  a  designated  phase  of  the  clerical
 activity of the unit.

 Reviews various commitment and obligation documents.

 Examines  each document to ensure completeness of data,  accuracy
 of computation, appropriateness of monetary data, and validity of
 accounting classification.

 Contacts  individual submitting document to resolve questions  on
 data submitted.

 Establishes   and  maintains  control  sheet  to   prevent   over
 obligation of funds.

 Receives,  reviews  for  correct  data,  and  processes  accounts
 payable   or   accrued   expenditure   transactions,   liquidates
 outstanding  obligations, and computes  and  prepares  adjustment
 vouchers for changes in data.

 Receives,  reviews  for  correct data, and  processes  collection
 vouchers and liquidates accounts receivable.

 Computes and prepares adjustment vouchers for changes in data.

 Maintains  liaison with various operating units  to  ensure  that
 time limitations are met for discounts and partial payments.

 Maintains  manual  record  of  quarterly  and  annual  allotments
 authorized and issued to operating units.

 Prepares   documents   for   machine  processing   by   assigning
 appropriate accounting transaction codes to documents to  reflect
 the  activity listed, forwards same to data processing  for  data
 entry  action,   and ensures that accounting documents  processed
 are included in the appropriate accounting period.

 Establishes  orders received, earned reimbursement,  and  charges
 for  supplies  and services rendered which resulted  in  accounts
 receivable, and codes all documents for input to the computerized
 ledgers; maintains hard copy of accounts receivable summary sheet
 by  appropriation,  and  initiates  correspondence  or  telephone
 communications on delinquent accounts receivable.

 Will  be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information systems  used  by   the
 agency, office, or related units.



      One  (1) year of experience in the preparation, maintenance,
 and/or review and verification of financial records.


      Appointees  will  be required to possess a driver's  license
 valid  in  New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle,  rather
 than  employee mobility, is necessary to perform essential duties
 of the position.


 Knowledge of accounting clerical methods, forms, and techniques.

 Knowledge  of  office practices and procedures  relating  to  the
 processing and recording of financial transactions.

 Knowledge   of   accounting   information,   accounting    codes,
 classification, and terminology pertinent to clerical maintenance

 Knowledge of basic arithmetic functions.

 Ability  to understand transactions in terms of accounting  codes
 and classifications.

 Ability to understand relationships among accounting records  and

 Ability  to understand, remember, and carry out oral and  written

 Ability   to  perform  routine  and  repetitive  tasks,   compare
 numerical and verbal data, and select appropriate information for

 Ability to add, subtract, multiply, divide, and find averages and

 Ability to apply arithmetic principles and to correct computation

 Ability  to acquire an understanding of numerical record  keeping
 and data gathering and other clerical procedures.

 Ability to perform work requiring constant and close attention to
 clerical and numerical detail.

 Ability  to  learn to utilize various types of electronic  and/or
 manual  recording  and information systems used  by  the  agency,
 office, or  related units.

 Ability  to  read, write, speak, understand, and  communicate  in
 English  sufficiently  to perform the duties  of  this  position.
 American   Sign  Language or Braille may also  be  considered  as
 acceptable forms of  communication.

 Persons  with  mental or physical disabilities  are  eligible  as
 long as they can perform the essential functions of the job after
 reasonable accommodation is made to their known limitations.   If
 the   accommodation  cannot be made because it  would  cause  the
 employer undue  hardship, such persons may not be eligible.

 This job specification is applicable to the following title code:
Local or
Class of
03165@LC N/A03-

This job specification is for local government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
