You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under   direction  reviews  plans  for  structures  and  inspects
 construction to determine compliance with the plumbing and energy
 subcodes  adopted pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code  Act;
 takes the lead over other plumbing inspectors; does other related
 duties as required.

 NOTE: The  examples of work for this title are for  illustrative
 purposes  only.  A particular position using this title  may  not
 perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely,
 all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


 Checks  materials to be used and inspects placement  of  plumbing
 materials  to  ensure  that  they are of  the  type/quality/grade
 specified in approved plans and specifications and that they meet
 necessary performance standards established in regulations of the
 Uniform  Construction  Code  and  adopted  plumbing  and   energy

 Reviews  plumbing aspects of plans of structures  for  compliance
 with  the Uniform Construction Code Act, regulations, and adopted
 plumbing  and  energy subcodes, and approves or  disapproves  the

 Ensures that inspection schedules established by supervisors  are
 maintained and establishes inspection schedules for inspectors of
 a  lower  grade  to  ensure that all buildings being  constructed
 within  the  assigned  area of responsibility  are  inspected  at
 critical points during the course of construction as provided  in
 NJAC  5:23-2.6.

 Establishes and maintains cooperative working relationships  with
 architects, engineers, construction supervisors, and  with  local
 enforcement  officials  in the assigned municipalities  including
 police,  fire,  health, and zoning officers to  ensure  that  any
 prior or collateral approvals have been obtained.

 Issues onsite warning citations and stop work orders in cases  of
 serious  violations of the adopted subcodes or regulations  which
 might  endanger the health, safety, and/or welfare of the  public
 or of building occupants.

 Prepares  and/or  supervises  preparation  of  inspector  reports
 noting violations and makes recommendations concerning assessment
 of penalties.

 Prepares  recommendations  regarding  both  temporary  and  final
 certificates of occupancy based on inspections.

 Testifies  at court and in administrative hearings on  behalf  of
 the state or local jurisdiction.

 May  serve  subpoenas and other legal process  notices  including
 notices of violation.

 Assigns  and  instructs inspectors of lower grade and coordinates
 and supervises their work.

 Prepares correspondence in the course of official duties.

 Prepares  inspection reports showing progress  of  work  of  each
 project   relative   to  plumbing  subcode  compliance,   weather
 conditions, and percentage of work completed.

 Maintains records, reports, and files required to show details of
 plumbing inspection of assigned projects.

 Advises  members  of  the  general  public  on  the  method   for
 completing applications for plumbing construction permits.

 Calculates and collects permit fees pursuant  to NJAC 5:23-4.8.

 Authorizes issuance of final approval for water service, hot  and
 cold  water distribution systems, sanitary drainage systems,  and
 other   plumbing  components  for  structures  that   have   been

 Inspects  unsafe  or  illegal structures and makes  determination
 pursuant  to applicable codes as to actions to be taken  to  make
 the structure safe and secure.

 Reviews plumbing components of plans and makes cost estimates  of
 plumbing  work of structures to determine applicability  of   the
 Uniform Construction Code Act and regulations.

 Surveys   the   area   of  assigned  jurisdiction   for   illegal
 construction   activity  and  takes  appropriate   action   where

 Will  be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information  systems  used  by  the
 agency, office or related units.



 One  (1) year of experience in construction code enforcement
 involving  the  reviewing  and approval  of  plans  for  plumbing
 construction  and  renovation  work  and/or  conducting  plumbing
 inspections  to determine compliance with relevant public  health
 laws and state and local building codes and ordinances.


 Possession of a valid Plumbing Inspector's License of the
 appropriate class issued by the New Jersey Department of
 Community Affairs.

 Appointees will  be required to possess a driver's license
 valid in New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle, rather
 than  employee mobility, is necessary to perform essential 
 duties of the position.


 Knowledge of problems and procedures in plumbing inspection  
 work involved in the enforcement of the State Uniform Construction

 Knowledge of design and analysis techniques necessary to check
 design of water service, hot and cold water distribution systems,
 hot water heating  equipment, plumbing fixture layout and
 quantity, venting  systems, and sanitary drainage systems for
 compliance with the Uniform Construction  Code  and adopted

 Knowledge of design and analysis techniques needed to ensure
 compliance of  in-building storm water  drainage systems  with
 requirements of the code.

 Knowledge of plumbing installation testing methods required to 
 be employed by the code and proper application.

 Knowledge of methods of construction, location, and operation  of
 onsite sewage disposal systems, small sewage disposal plants, 
 and private water supply systems.

 Knowledge  of the organization, content, and regulations  of  the
 Uniform Construction Code.

 Knowledge  of  the  organization  and  content  of  the  plumbing
 Knowledge  of the basic classification of structures  into  class

 Knowledge of the plumbing subcodes background, purpose,  history,
 place  in  local  government  structure,  and  relation  to  code
 enforcement programs at other levels of government.

 Knowledge  of  plan reading sufficient to permit an understanding
 of the process and to perform duties of the position.

 Knowledge of material standards in the code and methods by  which
 those standards are developed.

 Knowledge  of  installation  methods and  practices  required  to
 ensure  that all approved materials including joints, conductors,
 traps,  and  cleanouts  and structural support  requirements  are
 installed properly.

 Knowledge of plumbing fitting and fixture requirements.

 Knowledge   of   basic   inspection  report   writing   including
 preparation of violation notices and required record keeping.

 Knowledge of relevant public health laws and regulations.

 Knowledge of plumbing inspection techniques.

 Knowledge   of   form  content  and  interpretation   of   plans,
 blueprints,   and   specifications  for  new   construction   and
 alteration of existing structures.

 Ability  to  interpret  the State Uniform Construction  Code  and
 applicable  NJ Health law and code and to apply them to  specific

 Ability  to  ensure  that  all fittings  and  fixtures  installed
 conform to requirements of the Uniform Construction Code.

 Ability  to interpret relevant public health laws and apply  them
 to specific cases.

 Ability to work harmoniously with concerned persons.

 Ability  to  establish  and  maintain proper  relationships  with
 business  proprietors,  contractors,  housekeepers,   and  others
 interested and/or concerned with the maintenance of public health

 Ability  to  prepare  clear,  sound,  accurate,  and  informative
 reports  of  inspectors  containing  findings,  conclusions,  and

 Ability to act as a convincing witness in court.

 Ability  to  organize assigned plumbing inspection work,  analyze
 construction  inspection problems, and develop  appropriate  work

 Ability   to  work  cooperatively  with  other  code  enforcement
 inspectors,  contractors, and others and to take and  maintain  a
 firm and correct stand when differences of fact or opinion arise.

 Ability to assign and instruct inspectors of lower grade  and  to
 supervise and coordinate performance of their work.

 Ability  to  prepare  correspondence in the  course  of  official

 Ability  to  maintain  records and files required  for  the  code
 enforcement organization.

 Ability  to review plans for structures to ensure that  necessary
 information  pertaining to plumbing features of a  structure  are
 shown on the plans and conforms with requirements of the plumbing

 Ability to prepare violation notices.

 Ability  to  utilize  various types of electronic  and/or  manual
 recording  and information systems used by the agency, office  or
 related units.

 Ability  to  read, write, speak, understand, and  communicate  in
 English  sufficiently  to perform the duties  of  this  position.
 American  Sign  Language or Braille may  also  be  considered  as
 acceptable forms of communication.

 Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible as long
 as  they  can  perform the essential functions of the  job  after
 reasonable accommodation is made to their known limitations.   If
 the  accommodation  cannot be made because  it  would  cause  the
 employer undue hardship, such persons may be eligible.

 This job specification is applicable to the following title code:
Local or
Class of
03517LC N/A24-

This job specification is for local government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
