You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under  direction, supervises and works with a group of  employees
 engaged  in  the  performance of various maintenance  and  repair
 tasks  such  as  those  involved  in  electrical  work,  masonry,
 painting,   plastering,  carpentry,  plumbing,   steam   fitting,
 roofing,  and other work involved in the upkeep of buildings  and
 other structures; does other related duties as required.

 NOTE: The  examples of work for this title are for  illustrative
 purposes  only.  A particular position using this title  may  not
 perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely,
 all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


 Plans weekly or monthly work schedules and sequence of operations
 for subordinates, and establishes deadlines and priorities on the
 basis   of   general  work  schedules,  methods,   and   policies
 established by higher level supervisors.

 Determines  which  assignments can be done on a concurrent  basis
 and which assignment must be delayed.

 Determines  the number and types of employees needed, considering
 skills and personnel available to do the work.

 Determines current availability of materials and equipment and/or
 the need for additional equipment and materials, and ensures that
 materials  are ordered and delivered to work site to  avert  work

 Determines need for special equipment and materials for  specific
 projects, and prepares necessary requisitions.

 Maintains  records  of materials and supplies utilized,  employee
 time, and nature and type of work performed.

 Disciplines workers and resolves minor complaints.

 Selects  individual workers and assigns particular  tasks  to  be

 Explains work requirements, methods, and procedures, and  defines
 standards of quality and quantity to be met.

 Instructs  subordinates  in  the performance  of  difficult  work

 Reviews  work  in progress or following completion,  and  changes
 work  plans, work assignments, and methods as necessary to reduce
 or  control  costs  and  to accomplish  work  as  efficiently  as

 Plans  work to ensure that deadlines and priorities set by higher
 level supervisors are met.

 Prepares  evaluations, special reports, and  maintenance  records
 for  supervisors to provide information on repairs,  renovations,
 and custodial work activities.

 May  maintain  cost records on various repair jobs to  provide  a
 factual basis for future work or for budget control purposes.

 Reassigns  workers from one detail to another to  meet  emergency
 situations and varying workloads and schedules.

 Inspects work in progress to ensure that workmanship conforms  to
 work   schedules,  specifications,  and   contracts;   determines
 additional work still required and verifies that discrepancies in
 work orders are corrected.

 Reviews completed assignments for conformance with efficient  and
 economical trade practices, blueprints, and other specifications.

 May  assist  supervisors in planning work projects by writing  or
 suggesting  material specifications, establishing work schedules,
 and determining material needs.

 Supervises  workers  engaged in painting and  making  repairs  to
 masonry, woodwork, and similar components of buildings and  other

 May  operate  and/or  supervise  workers  engaged  in  operating,
 maintaining,  and  repairing building  utility  systems  such  as
 electrical  wiring  and controls, heating, cooling,  ventilating,
 and steam generating systems.

 Supervises workers engaged in maintaining and repairing  plumbing

 May   supervise   workers  engaged  in  moving  lawns,   trimming
 shrubbery, raking leaves, and cleaning the interior of buildings.

 Coordinates work of the unit supervised with other units.

 May  supervise  workers  engaged in  installing,  servicing,  and
 repairing mechanical equipment.

 May  supervise the maintenance and repair of the central  heating
 plant,  mechanical  equipment,  gas,  electric,  plumbing  and/or
 sewage   lines,   pipes   and  fixtures,   kitchen   ranges   and
 refrigerators, and other equipment or accessories.

 Works  on various projects with employees to complete assignments
 in   accord  with  standards  and  within  previously  set   work

 May personally perform general maintenance repair tasks.

 Will  be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information  systems  used  by  the
 agency, office, or related units.


      Three  (3) years of experience in performing varied building
 maintenance and repair tasks.


      Appointee  may  be required to possess an Boiler Operator's
 License  of  appropriate  grade and  type  as   required  by  the
 Department of Labor.

      Appointees  will  be required to possess a driver's  license
 valid  in  New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle,  rather
 than  employee mobility, is necessary to perform essential duties
 of the position.


 Knowledge  of standard tools, materials, methods, practices,  and
 safety  precautions  used  in  the  maintenance  and  repair   of
 buildings, other structures, grounds, and utility systems.

 Ability to read and interpret blueprints and specifications.

 Ability  to  understand technical terminology common  to  various

 Ability  to  organize a work crew and give them  assignments  and

 Ability   to  assist  subordinates  when  difficult  and  unusual
 problems arise.

 Ability  to  check  the  work of subordinates  to  ensure  proper
 procedures are followed, that reasonable standards of workmanship
 and   output  are  observed,  and  that  desired  objectives  are

 Ability to prepare daily time and cost records, material reports,
 accident  and  property damage reports, and  employee  efficiency

 Ability  to learn to utilize various types of electronic  and  or
 manual  recording  and information systems used  by  the  
 agency, office or related units.

 Ability  to  read,  write, speak, understand  or  communicate  in
 English  sufficiently  to  perform the duties  of  the  position.
 American  Sign  Language or braille may  also  be  considered 
 as acceptable forms of communication.

 Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible as long
 as  they  can  perform the essential functions of the  job  after
 reasonable accommodation is made to their known limitations.   If
 the  accommodation  cannot be made because  it  would  cause  the
 employer undue hardship, such persons may not be eligible.

 This job specification is applicable to the following title code:
Local or
Class of
07338LC N/A09-

This job specification is for local government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
