You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



Under the close supervision of a supervisory official, as a trainee and productive worker, in an Environmental Services program in a state department, institution, agency, or local government agency, learns to conduct routine surveys, studies, inspections, and/or investigations relating to the improvement and/or monitoring of environmental conditions, and/or the enforcement of environmental laws/regulations; does other related duties as required.

NOTE:  Positions in the Department of Environmental Protection may be assigned to any of the environmental fields such as Air Pollution Control, Coastal Resources, Laboratory Certification, Pesticide Control, Soil Science, Tideland Delineation, Site Remediation, Water Resources, or Waste Management. 

NOTE:  Positions in the Department of Transportation (NJDOT), with the exception of Environmental Services Support Unit (ESSU)/Facilities Hazard Compliance Monitoring, consistent with federal and state environmental regulations, have responsibility for the evaluation of environmental impact of specific projects at NJDOT that include an assessment of impact on social, economic, and natural environments.  This involves review or preparation of technical memoranda, studies, impact statements, etc., prepared pursuant to state and/or federal environmental regulations.

NOTE:  The examples of work for this title are for illustrative purposes only.  A particular position using this title may not perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely, all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


As a trainee and productive worker under supervision:

Learns to perform emergency or non-emergency remedial actions requiring expertise in management of hazardous/non-hazardous substances or wastes.

Learns to participate in sampling, assessments, investigations, cleanup plans, closure, and post-closure procedures to determine presence of damage to and degree of impact on the environment or public health by improper hazardous/non-hazardous substance or waste disposal methods.

Learns to collect, prepare, and transport environmental or waste samples containing hazardous/toxic substance or waste in accordance with applicable safety procedures/regulations.

Learns to review and evaluate laboratory and field reports/assessments, third party contractor plans for handling and transporting hazardous/non-hazardous substances or wastes to approved disposal sites, remedial investigation work plans and reports, technical documents, sampling plans, health and safety plans, contract documents or change orders, waste characterization plans, or emergency contingency plans, and makes recommendations as required.

Learns and assists in development, review, and issuance of permits applicable to assigned element.

Collects data to prepare reports of investigative findings, inspections, and surveys containing recommendations and solutions.

Learns to review plans, specifications, and environmental impact documents.

Learns to prepare correspondence, enforcement directives, administrative orders, and case referrals to the Office of the Attorney General involving enforcement of regulatory laws, rules, regulations, and procedures of various programs.

Participates in meetings relative to assigned activity and in public information activities relative to assigned element.

Learns to prepare evidence and comprehensive reports for use in court actions/hearings and may be called on to appear in court and testify as to the methodology used and its accuracy.

Learns to conduct field tests/investigations.

Learns to review and analyze Environmental Impact Statements for physical, natural, and/or human environments submitted by other government agencies and private sector applicants.

May assist in examining plans, specifications, aerial photographs, and maps relevant to the Environmental Impact Statements under review.

Learns to conduct technical and scientific work associated with assigned research study or evaluation.

Learns to conduct field tests and/or collect samples for study.

Learns to maintain essential reports, records, and files.

Learns to prepare clear, technically sound, accurate, and factual reports containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Learns to take and maintain field notes.

Learns to investigate complaints.

Will be required to learn how to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or related units.



Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's degree in one of the Physical Sciences, Environmental Sciences/Studies, Chemical Sciences, or Biological Sciences; or in Environmental Planning, Environmental Policy, or Physical Geography; or, in Civil Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Mining Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Bio-resource Engineering.

NOTE:  The following education requirements are applicable to positions in the New Jersey Department of Transportation assigned to all programs except Environmental Services Support Unit (ESSU)/Facilities Hazard Compliance Monitoring.

Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor’s degree in one of the Physical, Natural, or Social Sciences; Environmental Science, Environmental Policy, Chemical Science, Biological Science, Geology, Natural Resource Management, Environmental Planning, Natural History, Anthropology, Historic Architecture, Historic Preservation, Archaeology, Sociology, Urban Studies, Geography, Economics, Agricultural Science, Marine Science, Urban Planning, Transportation Planning, or Geoscience; or a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering in one of the following disciplines:  Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Sanitary Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Industrial Engineering, or Bio-Resource Engineering.


Appointee will be required to possess a driver's license valid in New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle, rather than employee mobility, is necessary to perform the essential duties of the position.


Knowledge of methods used to collect and analyze data.

Knowledge of methods used to conduct investigations.

Ability to interpret environmental issues, laws, rules, and regulations and apply them to specific situations.

Ability to acquire, interpret, and apply knowledge of federal and state laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the area of assignment.

Ability to learn to collect samples in the field.

Ability to learn to conduct tests and evaluate results.

Ability to comprehend and follow oral and written directions. 

Ability to organize assigned field and other technical work and develop effective work methods.

Ability to learn to investigate complaints.

Ability to work with others on investigations. 

Ability to learn to use required test instruments.

Ability to establish effective working relationships with other government agencies and the public on environmental matters.

Ability to compile material for and assist in preparation of clear, technically sound, accurate, and factual reports of surveys/inspections/investigations containing findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Ability to learn to prepare Environmental Impact Statements.

Ability to provide testimony under oath and act as a witness at hearings and in court.

Ability to maintain reports, records, and files.

Ability to learn how to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or related units.

Ability to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate in English sufficiently to perform the duties of this position. American Sign Language or Braille may also be considered as acceptable forms of communication.

Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible if they can perform the essential functions of the job with or without reasonable accommodation.  If the accommodation cannot be made because it would cause the employer undue hardship, such persons may not be eligible.


Appointees in State Government who successfully complete the twelve (12) month training period will be eligible for advancement to the Environmental Specialist 1 title in accordance with New Jersey Civil Service Commission procedures.

Appointees in Local Government who successfully complete the twelve (12) month training period will be eligible for appointment to the title of Environmental Specialist 1 or Environmental Health Specialist. 

The inability of an employee in this trainee title to attain a level of performance warranting advancement to the above-listed titles shall be considered as cause for separation.

This job specification is applicable to the following title code(s) which
are different work week or work month and/or variants of the job class title:

Local or
Class of
12516 CN409520P95-
16001 SNNE95N/AP95-

This job specification is for state and local government use.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
