You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under the immediate supervision of a supervisory officer in the
 Juvenile Justice Commission, attends residential training in various
 law enforcement courses as authorized by the New Jersey Police
 Training Commission. Observes and participates in responsibilities
 associated with the development, coordination, and monitoring
 activities of paroled juvenile offenders assigned to specific programs
 of varying types. Learns to utilize a balanced approach of supervision
 directed toward the parolee and the encouragement of family members'
 involvement in communal programs, counseling, and treatment as
 required. Attends classes and seminars addressing principles of
 supervision practices and surveillance activities in accord with State
 Parole Statutes and regulations. Assists Senior Parole Officers,
 Juvenile Justice in the performance of their assigned duties and
 receives on-the-job training and instruction in the proper methods and
 practices for monitoring parolee activities, and learns other aspects
 of the job; does other related duties.

 NOTE: The examples of work for this title are for illustrative
 purposes only. A particular position using this title may not perform
 all duties listed in this job specification. Conversely, all duties
 performed on the job may not be listed.

NOTE:  Appointments may be made to positions requiring bilingual skills.

40803C- Bilingual in Spanish and English.
Applicants must be able to read, write, speak, understand, or communicate in 
Spanish and English sufficiently to perform the duties of this position. 


 Observes and learns the proper procedures to exercise all powers and
 rights of enforcement to function as a law enforcement officer for the
 detection, apprehension, arrest, and prosecution of offenders against
 the law.

 Learns the proper usage, security, integrity, and care for carrying
 firearms and the responsibility of maintaining firearms and other
 restraints and defense equipment while performing assigned duties.

 Learns how to conduct and participates in interviews with juvenile
 offenders pending parole hearings for the purpose of determining needs
 assessment reviews of each juvenile offender for the development of
 appropriate services.

 Observes how to conduct ongoing case management evaluation and
 monitoring principles and practices of assigned cases throughout
 custodial and community supervision portions of the sentence.

 Learns how to develop and participates in the development of the
 delivery of services necessitated for each corresponding disposition

 Observes programs developed for social, emotional, and economic
 adjustment of juvenile parolees.

 Observes and participates in various classification and selection
 committees processes and related principles and practices associated
 with these forums.

 Attends an inresidence Parole Officer Recruit training program to
 learn various law enforcement practices, instructions, and
 qualification of firearms training, report preparation, surveillance
 and detection techniques, parole laws, and applicable regulations,
 practices, and procedures for conducting investigations of various
 types and proper procedures for arrest and apprehension of parolee

 Attends specific program classes for instruction and receives on-
 the-job training and specific instructions of parole related practices
 and principles and other areas of training needs in performing parole
 work in either a Regional Aftercare Office or an Institution Aftercare

 As a recruit in training under close supervision, may be assigned as a
 member of a group or assigned individually for one-to-one intense
 training opportunities.

 Assists and participates in conducting investigations of existing and
 potential employment and educational opportunities for juvenile
 parolees or juveniles about to be paroled.

 Learns how to prepare and assists in the preparation of detailed
 reports to be utilized in the preparation and development of case
 histories and assessment reviews.

 Learns how to recognize and rapidly evaluate potentially dangerous
 situations involving parolee apprehension.

 Learns to exercise caution and good judgment in handling these
 circumstances to avoid personal injury or to prevent endangerment to
 the general public and/or serious personal or commercial property

 Observes and participates in custody and aftercare program activities
 related to classification determinations, selection decisions,
 releases, available opportunities for treatment, and communal

 Learns the techniques to properly interview juveniles, employers,
 educators, tutors, relatives, and other interested persons to clarify
 parole goals and objectives to be attained and available resources,
 treatment, and counseling activities of the parole release program.

 Learns how to identify and properly implement parole violations and
 the enforcement of appropriate sanctions.

 Learns how to conduct and participates in covert and surveillance
 investigations to apprehend parolees engaged in new criminal
 activities. Learns how to establish relationships with various
 community groups and agencies, various law enforcement agencies,
 courts, probation and welfare agencies, schools and county outreach
 education programs, and medical and treatment facilities for the
 purpose of providing rehabilitation alternatives and communal programs
 as available alternatives to seeking further confinement needs.

 Learns the practices and procedures for monitoring specific
 enforcement programs.

 Learns how to properly serve arrest warrants and contacting local law
 enforcement authorities to provide resources and/or information as
 circumstances warrant.

 Learns how to serve as a resource person for juvenile parolees,
 liaison for Commission activities, and advocate for parolee and
 Commission designated communal programs and delivery of services in an
 efficient and cost effective manner within the needs expediency of
 each case.

 Learns to explain court imposed revenue obligations to be paid by
 parolees and collections set forth by the court and activities
 required to maintain recordkeeping needs and collections efforts to be

 Assists in evaluating caseload needs and parolee supervision

 Learns how to prepare incident reports of parolee violations and
 procedures of reporting such incidents and the investigations required
 to prepare reports and recommendations thereof.

 Services a caseload and provides assistance to Senior Parole Officers,
 Juvenile Justice concerning juvenile parolees and their activities.

 Prepares and composes correspondence, memorandums, reports, and other

 Learns how to serve as a Hearing Officer in the preliminary phases of
 Probable Cause Hearings and the process thereof.

 Learns how to act as a witness and testify before formal hearings,
 Grand Juries, Courts of law, administrative hearings, or other
 judicial bodies.

 When assigned to an investigative team, performs under close
 supervision investigations, surveillance, and covert activities in
 conjunction with Commission directives.

 Learns how to maintain and input data into a case management system
 addressing parolees activities and investigative matters for
 up-to-date status information and needs assessment reviews.

 Learns procedures on how to convey information to parolees and their
 relatives who are not knowledgeable of the English Language.

 Learns how to maintain essential records and the security of
 confidential records and files.

 Learns how to utilize various types of video, audio, electronic
 communications, photographic, and computer information systems and
 other various types of recording equipment, devices, and manual
 recordings used by the agency, institutions, facilities, or related

 Will be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or manual recording and computerized information systems used by
 the agency, office, or related units.



 Graduation from an accredited college or university with a
 Bachelor's degree in Social Work, Criminal Justice, Psychology, or
 related field of study.


 Minimum of eighteen (18) years of age.

 No person shall be appointed as a State Parole Officer Recruit
 unless he/she is a citizen of the United States.

       NOTE: At the time of appointment, applicants for this position
 must submit acceptable proof of meeting the indicated requirements.

      NOTE: Appointee will be required to satisfactorily complete an
 the Basic Course for Juvenile Parole Officers mandated by the Police
 Training Commission as a part of the one (1) year recruit period. Such
 training includes successful attainment of a level of proficiency in
 the use of firearms.

      SPECIAL NOTE: Candidates certified from the eligible list for this title will
 be required to undergo medical and psychological examination
 administered by the appointing authority


      Appointees must possess a driver's license valid in New Jersey.

      NOTE: The responsibility for ensuring that employees possess the
 required motor vehicle license, commensurate with the class and type
 of vehicles they operate, rests with the Appointing Authority.


 Selected eligible candidates will be required to successfully
 complete the New Jersey Police Training Commission course standards in
 arrest, apprehension, investigations, parole supervision, and other
 related law enforcement requirements. Such training shall also include
 firearms training and the ability to qualify and successfully attain
 the required level of proficiency and the ability to requalify with
 firearms on a semiannual basis. All training requirements and the
 successful completion thereof these aspects reflect a one year
 training period in addition to the satisfactory completion of the
 working test period as a Parole Officer Recruit, Juvenile Justice to
 be considered as an eligible appointee for appointment to the Senior
 Parole Officer, Juvenile Justice position.

 Candidates accepting employment are required to adhere to the
 employment restrictions that they not pursue outside gainful
 employment during their course of employment unless approved by the
 Executive Director of the Juvenile Justice Commission or appropriate

 Candidates may be required during the working test period to
 attain required motor vehicle license commensurate with the class and
 types of vehicles to be operated. Verification of such license rests
 with the Appointing Authority.

 Selected eligible candidates shall meet the qualifications for
 juvenile corrections officers and shall be employed as juvenile
 corrections officers pursuant to section 6 of P.L. 1995, c. 284 (NJSA


 Knowledge of economic, social, emotional, and other related problems
 of juvenile offender parolees and the issues and problems expected of
 such persons to encounter and the reactions thereof.

 Ability to learn the proper exercise in the powers and rights of a law
 enforcement officer for the detection, apprehension, arrest, and
 prosecution of offenders against the law.

 Ability to learn the standards and procedures for arrest and
 apprehension of parolee violators.

 Ability to interpret and apply information gleaned on the theories of
 social work administration practices and principles addressing
 juvenile offenders.

 Ability to interpret information gleaned on the standards and theories
 developed in applied penology, sociology, and criminology practices in
 the Juvenile Justice System.

 Ability to ensure the security, safety, care, usage, and integrity of
 firearms and other restraints and defense equipment.

 Ability to learn to recognize potentially dangerous situations and to
 evaluate options involving parolees' safety and when and how to
 exercise independent judgment in handling such volatile situations and
 the circumstances for warranting caution.

 Ability to assist with the caseload management assigned to Senior
 Parole Officers, Juvenile Justice and to learn to evaluate and
 maintain a caseload independently of direct supervision.

 Ability to learn the techniques utilized to conduct interviews and
 investigations of parolees, their families, and on related parole
 matters and issues.

 Ability to gain community resources awareness to be utilized for
 enrichment purposes for juvenile parolees, addressing social,
 economic, and emotional rehabilitative objectives fostered by the
 Juvenile Justice Commission directives and standards.

 Ability to communicate with parolees and their families to ensure
 parole release program compliance, who are of varying ethnic and
 language backgrounds, education, and economic levels.

 Ability to foster selfassurance attitudes for juvenile offenders and
 parolees to build on for themselves and toward others.

 Ability to learn methods to collect payments and set schedules of
 collections of court issued orders and agreements.

 Ability to learn methods and procedures for conducting investigations
 of various types.

 Ability to learn surveillance methods and procedures.

 Ability to learn law enforcement and administrative procedures for
 reporting parole violations.

 Ability to learn to prepare detailed and informative case histories,
 summaries, assessment reviews, specific classification needs for
 habitation objectives, parole related matters and activities
 monitored, findings of facts, recommendations, and conclusions.

 Ability to utilize electronic communications equipment and database
 software utilized during the extent of an investigation.

 Ability to respond to emergency situations expediently and remain
 accessible at all times including days-off and off-duty hours.

 Ability to learn to establish and maintain cooperative working
 relationships with juvenile parolees, local officials, parolee
 relatives, and other interested parties and agencies representatives.

 Ability to learn the aspects and techniques to gain the confidence and
 respect of parolees to provide them with bonafide career opportunities
 and personal development and emotional stability during their
 rehabilitation period of adjustment.

 Ability to learn the levels of supervision to be applied case-by- case
 in evaluating circumstances and the monitoring activities of parolees.

 Ability to prepare detailed correspondence, memorandums, reports,
 summaries, and other communications on parole matters and issues as

 Ability to learn principles and practices of agency directives as they
 apply to juvenile delinquency problems and issues.

 Ability to gather, collect, maintain, collate, interpret, and
 disseminate statistical information.

 Ability to participate in the monitoring of varying programs for the
 purpose of rehabilitation and educational objectives and related
 personal development activities of juvenile parolees and young adults.

 Ability to qualify with firearms on a semiannual basis.

 Ability to learn to utilize various types of video, audio,
 photographic, electronic communications, computer information systems,
 and other various types of recording equipment, devices, and manual
 recordings used by the agency, institutions, facilities, or related

 Ability to learn to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual
 recording and information systems used by the agency, office, or
 related units.

 Ability to read, write, speak, understand, or communicate in English
 sufficiently to perform the duties of this position. American Sign
 Language or Braille may also be considered as acceptable forms of

 Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible as long as
 they can perform the essential functions of the job after reasonable
 accommodation is made to their known limitations. If the accommodation
 cannot be made because it would cause the employer undue hardship,
 such persons may not be eligible.


 Appointees who successfully complete the required working test period
 in addition to the 12-month training period, including the Police
 Training Commission and agency training requirements will be eligible
 for advancement to the title Senior Parole Officer, Juvenile Justice
 under Civil Service Commission Procedures.

 The inability of an appointee in this title to attain the level of
 performance warranting advancement to the title listed above shall be
 considered as cause for separation from employment.

This job specification is applicable to the following title code(s) which
are different work week or work month and/or variants of the job class title:
Local or
Class of
40803CBilingual In Spanish & EnglishSC4099N/AF99-

This job specification is for state government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
