You are reading the State of New Jersey Job Descriptions. This is not a Job Vacancy Announcement.

Job Specification



 Under  direction  of a Planning Associate 3,  manager,  or  other
 supervisory official in the Department of Education, develops and
 maintains   department   databases  and   computerized   systems;
 participates   in   planning   the   design,   programming,   and
 implementation   of   information  systems;  develops   education
 programming  by conducting analyses and evaluation  of  education
 programs,   surveys,  needs  assessment,  and  related  research;
 establishes,  maintains, and evaluates program  and  fiscal  data
 related to state and federal formula aid and discretionary  grant
 applications   and  allocations;  performs  mandated   regulatory
 functions;  is  knowledgeable in and works with  independence  in
 areas of assignment; does other related duties.

 NOTE: The  examples of work for this title are for illustrative
 purposes  only.  A particular position using this title  may  not
 perform all duties listed in this job specification.  Conversely,
 all duties performed on the job may not be listed.


 Designs   and  implements  evaluation  instruments   to   analyze
 effectiveness  of  training,  curricula,  and  related  education
 services  in local school districts and intermediate and regional

 May  assist in the establishment of developmental priorities  for
 curriculum and training services.

 Establishes  and  maintains effective  work  communications  with
 county  offices and regional units to ensure goals  of  education
 programs are being met.

 Analyzes  relevant  state and federal laws  and  regulations  and
 develops policy recommendations for their enforcement.

 Initiates  the  development of specialized  programs  for  target

 Develops  technical  documents for  all  New  Jersey  educational
 systems to evaluate educational services.

 After review, makes recommendations on changes in maintenance  of
 local  district educational goals, as approved by the  Department
 of Education.

 Analyzes complex demographic data, develops plans, and recommends
 policy and formula for funds distribution.

 Participates   in   planning   information   systems   to    meet
 organizational needs.

 Writes computer programs in SAS and COBOL/FMS.

 Develops  information processing system documentation  consistent
 with design parameters.

 Executes  production functions by monitoring source data validity
 and quality control.

 Maintains department wide databases.
    Establishes  and maintains liaison with education  and  public
 interest  groups  to  inform  them of department  activities  and
 identify their needs.

 Trains other professional or nonprofessional personnel.

 Researches   and   analyzes  demographic,   labor   market,   and
 technological  data  and  makes  recommendations   on   education
 programs and plans to meet changing needs.

 Develops   and   recommends  funding  criteria  and   competitive
 application  procedures  and  forms  for  awarding   grants   and
 contracts to eligible agencies.

 Provides  technical assistance to local programs and  coordinates
 the development of training programs for funded agencies.

 Coordinates  the ongoing statewide implementation and  evaluation
 of   instructional  programs  as  required  by  federal  law  and
 regulations to ensure compliance.

 Coordinates  program  maintenance and fiscal reporting  comparing
 results  with departmental standards and recommending changes  to
 meet standards.

 Will  be required to learn to utilize various types of electronic
 and/or  manual  recording and information  systems  used  by  the
 agency, office, or related units.


 Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Master's
 degree  in  Educational  Administration,  Public  Administration,
 Computer Science, or a related field.

 Four (4) years of experience in system design and computer 
 programming on a mainframe or a PC LAN environment.

 NOTE: Applicants who do not possess the required education
 may substitute additional experience as indicated on a
 year-for-year basis with thirty (30) semester hour credit 
 being equal to one (1)  year of college.  Applicants wishing 
 to substitute additional experience for the required Master's
 degree, must possess a total of six (6) years of combined
 education and experience, in addition to the required experience
 cited above.


 Appointee will be required to possess a driver's license valid
 in New Jersey only if the operation of a vehicle, rather than  
 employee mobility, is necessary to perform the essential
 duties of the position.


 Knowledge of the organizationand  structure  of  New  Jersey
 education system.

 Knowledge  of  public education policy at the local,  state,  and
 federal levels.

 Knowledge of state and federal statutes and administrative codes,
 as applied to education.

 Knowledge of automated management information processing systems.

 Knowledge  of procedures involved in the analysis, planning,  and
 design of information systems.
 Knowledge of online system design.

 Knowledge of SAS.

 Knowledge of COBOL.

 Knowledge of principles and practices for improving adult
 specialized education programming at the local level.

 Knowledge of state and federal program aid requirements.

 Knowledge of legislation and guidelines related to funded

 Knowledge of the operational processes and practices of  
 state agencies, including the fiscal system.

 Ability to document system specifications.

 Ability to identify problems in involving system design.

 Ability to document programming (design) specifications.

 Ability to write computer programs in specified language.

 Ability to establish and maintain working and information
 networks with education and public interest groups.

 Ability to exercise leadership in program  planning and
 development with department staff, county offices, regional
 units, and local school district staff.

 Ability to coordinate plans and resources and identify problem
 areas or needs.

 Ability to analyze data and prepare accurate reports of findings,
 conclusions, and recommendations.

 Ability to prepare accurate documentation of budgetary needs.

 Ability to interpret state and federal rules and regulations  and
 develop a responsive plan for meeting special needs.

 Ability to prepare extensive official correspondence.

 Ability  to coordinate program maintenance, and fiscal reporting,
 and other essential files.

 Ability to develop technical assistance materials.

 Ability to plan and conduct regional and statewide inservice
 training programs.

 Ability to develop program plans from needs assessment

 Ability  to  analyze  state  and federal  labor  projections  and
 identify appropriate education programs to meet these needs.

 Ability  to  analyze trends and project future educational  needs
 based on these trends.

 Ability to write computer programs in specified languages.

 Ability to utilize various types of electronic and/or manual
 recording and information systems used by the agency, 
 office, or related units.

 Ability to read, write, speak, understand, and communicate
 in English sufficiently  to perform the duties  of  this  position.
 American Sign Language or Braille may  also be considered
 as acceptable forms of communication.

 Persons with mental or physical disabilities are eligible as long
 as  they  can  perform the essential functions of the  job  after
 reasonable  accommodation is made to their known limitations.  
 If the accommodation cannot be made because it would cause
 the employer undue hardship, such persons may not be eligible.

 This job specification is applicable to the following title code:
Local or
Class of
72624DComputer Applications & Systems DesignSNNL28N/AP28-

This job specification is for state government use only.
Salary range is only applicable to state government.
Local salaries are established by individual local jurisdictions.
