NJCSC - Compensation Compendium
FY 2005


  1. State agencies may appoint a new employee into one of the titles (including variants) indicated below up to and including the indicated step of the salary range without obtaining prior approval from the Commissioner, Department of Personnel and the Director, Division of Budget and Accounting.
    Title Title Code Step
    Architectural Assistant 17692 5
    Assistant Engineer Civil (40) 14092 5

    Assistant Engineer Civil (35)

    59922 5
    Assistant Engineer Electrical 16692 5
    Assistant Engineer Hydrographic 16082 5
    Assistant Engineer Materials 13092 5
    Assistant Engineer Mechanical 16892 5
    Assistant Engineer Planning 12692 5
    Assistant Engineer Traffic 11282 5
    Assistant Engineer Transportation 10272 5
    Assistant Environmental Engineer (NE) 16302 6
    Assistant Environmental Engineer (40) 16312 5
    Assistant Geologist (40) 03042 5
    Assistant Geologist (NE) 03052 6
    Engineer 4, Hazardous Site Mitigation 59952 5
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Civil Service Commission